time for an update right? right?
i got to have my first real crack at a more realistic style this saturday. this is part 1 of a 3 part half sleeve of none other than girls and roses (not to be confused with guns and roses, they are a whole different bunch of girls.)
its pretty hard to get a nice photo when ever you are doing black and grey tattoos, so expect a better one when its all healed up and looking less red. i really enjoyed this one, its a pretty big step away from what i normally do, and it was great to get to do something different. cheers dave, and remember not to get fucked on vodka the night before next time...you'll have a better time i promise.

I also got to start some pretty cool japanese style doings on the incredible donk. (its true that he is actually the incredible hulks younger pinker brother). the original koi is about 12 years old and the donk figured it was time to give him a reboot. i ended up freehanding most of the background so what started out looking like this:

ended up looking like this:

in a couple of weeks we are going make some real bold lines and start chucking in some black (note to self...order more black) im looking forward to getting some colour in this too. keep your eyes peeled for updates on this one.
also here is a snake.

why a snake you ask? why not?