,here are some shots from my last trip over to macau, and man do i love that town. i cant wait ill i next get over there. all the snaps were taken with my beloved contax T2 and tri-X. enjoy. im not entirely sure why this guy was in a church... i think he's a bee gee or something. these last 3 were shot around the star ferry in HK on the way home. the ferry is by far the best way to get across the harbor. and mr softee is always waiting for me on the other end.
if you are passing by and fancy a delicious new tattoo, or just to hang out and have a chat then this be the place to do it. enjoy what's left of your mondays and bring on that tuesday goodness!
i got to tattoo this hannya on my top homie "the scott" yesterday. as always we pushed through it with almost no crying....almost. after we finished we went to check out my friends band the merriweather deer , and as always they put on a rocking display of guitariness, druminess, and songing. awesome day!!