Bear with us web friends, we are working on adding the extra pages to the blog. But we are also super busy with a bunch of other projects too. Don't worry though, we are doing it for you, and in the coming weeks I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. In between our mega-top secret workings and our regular every day workings we are still finding the time to crank out some delicious new tattoos. Here is a couple of roses i got to do a couple of days ago.
A little bit of a departure from how i normally draw them, but the nice thing about flowers is that you can draw them a million and one ways. I like this one.
Have a good weekend homies!!



Change is good... Right?

Well we think so! However, we're a bit slow too so... Here's a new look and a new feel but give us a few weeks to figure out how to finish it all. Forgive us for the missing sections for now but we're on it! Mhm! True story!

More asap!


Ooooweeeee. April was crazy. First friends in town. Then family and friends in town. Then more friends in town. Some friends are still in town. and some not so much.

despite all this I did manage to get some tattooing done also. Here are 2 of my favorites...

This skully geezer is on buddy Steve. One of the nicest people around. The eagle is round 1 on Nate. 1 more session to go and we will be home free.

Finally we are planning on making some sweeping changes on the blog front in the next few weeks, so keep your eyes peeled.